RELOCAL team has published 9 papers on European Planning Studies Journal. These form one special…
RELOCAL & IMAJINE joint workshop on Spatial Disparities in Europe
The H2020 sister projects IMAJINE and RELOCAL organized a joint workshop on Spatial disparities in Europe: from regions to localities to individuals on the 22nd Oct 2019 at the University of Oviedo, Spain. There were eight presentations from both projects in total. The workshop focused on the measurement and analysis of socio-economic spatial disparities in Europe, and the role of regional policy in promoting social cohesion. The workshop had a special emphasis on the issues of the choice of spatial scales, the use of longitudinal microdata, and the interaction between the two. RELOCAL’s presentations focused on the evolution of regional disparities in Europe, the effects of childhood exposure to poverty on later life socio-economic outcomes, and the relationship between income mobility and inequality at the regional level based on analysis from the EU-SILC microdata. IMAJINE’s presentations focused on issues relating to small-scale estimation of income aggregates and its uses for the purposes of analyzing income inequality, international migration patterns, and land-take expansion across local areas. The two projects shared knowledge and experiences between their projects and opportunities for further collaboration.