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RELOCAL First Project Conference

The first RELOCAL Project Conference was held on 15th February in Barcelona, hosted by the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona. The Conference aimed at the interchange of research approaches between RELOCAL and its two twin projects IMAJINE “Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe” and COHSMO “Inequality, urbanisation and Territorial Cohesion: Developing the European Social Model of economic growth and democratic capacity”. The Conference discussed the conceptual approaches to Spatial Justice by each project, the main methods applied, the exploitation of results and strategies towards wide policy communication. 



The Research panorama. H2020 initiatives on Spatial Justice     

9:00    Welcome   –   Ricardo Piqueras (Dean of Geography and History faculty at the University of Barcelona – UB) and James Scott (University of Eastern Finland – UEF).

9:05    RELOCAL “Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development”   –   James Scott (UEF)    [Download PPT]

9:20    IMAJINE “Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe”   –   Michael Woods (Aber University)     

9:40    COSHMO “Inequality, urbanization and Territorial Cohesion: Developing the European Social Model of economic growth and democratic capacity”   –   Hans Andersen (AAU)     


Panel Discussion on “Connecting Concepts on Spatial Justice”

10:00  RELOCAL on Spatial Justice and Localities   –    Ali Madanipour (U.Newcastle)     [Download PPT

10:10    Intervention by IMAJINE   –   Michael Woods (Aber)     [Download PPT]

10:20    Intervention by COSHMO   –   Hans Andersen (AAU)   

10:30    Reflections by Panel Chair, Ali Madanipour 

10:35   Q&A + Debate


Panel Discussion on “Methodologies and Data”

11:20  Intervention by COSHMO   –   Hans Andersen (AAU)   

11:30    RELOCAL Case Studies approach   –   Sabine Weck (ILS)     [Download PPT]

11:40    Intervention by IMAJINE   –   Ana Viñuela (UNIOVI)     [Download PPT  

11:50    “Egohoods” approach   –   Helen Janssen (TU. Delft) 

12:00    Reflections by Panel Chair, Estelle Evrard (UL)  

12:05   Q&A + Debate


Panel Discussion on “Dissemination and Impact of European Research”

14:00    How do the projects deal with “impact” and “measuring impact”. What is considered as “success” of each project and how it can be measured. Joint recommendations for the policy-makers and exploring possibilities for creating a “cluster” in view of participating in the CDB   –   All projects   

16:30    Closure


Welcome to the RELOCAL Project Conference by Ricardo Piqueras, Dean of Geography and History Faculty (University of Barcelona)


Introduction to the Conference by James Scott , Scientific Coordinator of RELOCAL Project



Conceptual framework of IMAJINE project described by Michael Woods.

Ali Madanipour from RELOCAL explaining concepts identified.

Hans Andersen contextualizing conceptual framework of COSHMO project.

Sabine Weck explained the cases study approach of RELOCAL project.

Heleen Janssen presented “Egohoods” methodology for dealing with scale barriers in RELOCAL project.

Ana Viñuela from IMAJINE presented the methodology used for the analyses of territorial inequalities in Europe.



Download Project Conference Agenda
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