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RELOCAL consortium meeting in Lodz – the final stage of Case Studies

RELOCAL met together in Lodz for a two day workshop, attended by project partners, as well as two members of the Scientific Advisory Board: Katalin Kolosy (AEIDL) and Endre Sík (TÁRKI). This workshop was the previously step before the finalisation of the empirical work about the 33 case studies, which have been published at the end of March. They will be available on the website soon. 

Through a World Café sessions, partners discussed about the case studies key findings, synthesising the more relevant statements about promoters and inhibitors identified, the competences and capacities of stakeholders and which mechanisms connect the action to procedural and distributive justice.

The interactions with local or regional policy stakeholders after the research process, and particularly, with those at the EU level, will gain more emphasis in the following months. Thus practicalities concerning Policy Seminars and smaller-scale policy briefings of stakeholders were also an important topic of discussion.

There were presented the results of the WP5 about the multi-scalar measures of inequality by Heleen Janssen and Patricia Melo. They pointed out that the inequality within regions is much larger than between regions. The final report is available here

The Consortium devoted the second day of the meeting to discuss next steps towards scenarios. Another topic discussed was the organization of local workshops, which have the aim to refine empirical findings and ensure the robustness of the relation of regional autonomy and spatial justice at local scale. At least one case study team from each welfare regime will carry out a local workshop between May and September.

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