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The second conference took place last March in Lodz, involving researchers from three other H2020 projects on regional justice and EU cohesion policy. The keynote speech was given by Carlos Mendez, European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, on the results of COHESIFY, one of RELOCAL’s ‘sister projects’ under H2020, which has assessed the impact of EU Cohesion policy on citizens’ attitudes to Europe.

There were also the representatives of two on-going H2020 projects: IMAJINE and PERCEIVE. Both share a common concern with RELOCAL about the reform of the Cohesion Policy and spatially divergent trends of social-economic development across Europe. There were other presentations, some of them showing first outcomes from RELOCAL project. The Conference ended in a Panel Session discussing interesting crosscutting issues and the prospect of European Cohesion Policy.

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