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JSSJ meets RELOCAL – Mobilizations, meaning and uses of the concept of Spatial Justice in a European research project

Cyril Blondel | Estelle Evrard | Sarolta Németh | Laura Noguera 

The editors of this special issue are part of the H2020 2016-2020 research project RELOCAL. This project
draws on 33 case studies of local contexts across Europe. Fragments of empirical analysis underlie the research of several papers presented in this issue. As this project brings together a number of researchers from all over Europe, spread across 14 research institutions, it is an opportunity to reflect upon how each team and individual researcher relates the notion of spatial justice to their respective country and how, while doing their field work, their own understanding of this notion has evolved. Using the opportunity of a consortium meeting in Łódź, Poland, (5-6 March 2019), there has been bilateral exchange with some of the researchers. 

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