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JSSJ – Justice Spatiale / Spatial Justice

JSSJ – Justice Spatiale / Spatial Justice is a peer-reviewed, open access and bilingual journal of critical geography. The articles are published both in English and French. The RELOCAL members, Estelle Evrad & Cyril Blondel, from Université du Luxembourg, are the coordinators of the edition about local autonomy and spatial justice, related directly to our RELOCAL project. They have launched Call of Papers Territorial development + local autonomy = spatial (in)justice? , open to everyone who want to submit an article by mid-February 2019 in English or in French about this topic.

This call for papers intends to critically question the links between local autonomy and spatial justice in the context of territorial development policies that aim to strengthen the room for manoeuvre conferred on the local. In particular, this call invites contributions presenting concrete examples of application of or resistance to these policies. The envisaged policies and programmes are, in particular, those set up since 2000 by large international, supra-regional and/or national organisations targeting peripheral, semi-peripheral (but also their inner peripheries) territories and/or for the benefit of minorities.

The objective is to focus on what policies that could be described as development policies empowering the local produce in terms of spatial justice from the point of view of social sciences (geography, sociology, anthropology) and from the local (i.e. based on field work, not only urban).

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JSSJ – Justice Spatiale / Spatial Justice
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