György-telep Ten Years of Urban Regeneration in a Poor Neighbourhood
This case study analyses a series of place-based developments carried out in a former mining colony called György-telep, characterized with extremely high ratio of substandard flats, very low level of education, high level of unemployment and high ratio of Roma residents. The colony is situated in a peripheral part of Pécs, which is the fifth largest city of Hungary. György-telep can be considered as a peripheral part of a rapidly shrinking city situated in a peripheralizing region, whose history is tightly connected to the historical importance of mining in the area.
From 2007, through six different development projects, 90 low comfort social housing units were renovated, three community houses were established, various social services were provided (both through individual and collective social work), and numerous community programs were organized in this peripheral neighbourhood. The main idea behind these projects was to develop one of the most stigmatized and marginalized parts of the city. Nationally it is a remarkable project, since it is one of the few interventions, which aims to tackle spatial and social segregation in a complex way, over an extended period of time, going beyond the time horizon of a single project.
For more information on this Case Study, please contact: Csaba Jelinek and Tünde Virág, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, HAS, Budapest,,