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Geographies of (in)justice

Guest lecture series in Geography and Spatial Planning

“Regeneration not speculation” says a billboard in Belfast that we chose for our poster. “Unfair taxation = social anger” says some graffiti in the streets of Paris after a day of “yellow vests” demonstrations. The calls for more justice are flourishing in public space. Yet their diversity and complexity require social scientists to rethink their own conceptualisations of socio-spatial production. This spring, the guest lecture series entitled “Geographies of (in)justice”, organised by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Luxembourg, focuses on the spatial dimension of injustices. It seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate by questioning how injustices are expressed, put into words, constructed as social and political problems, and how researchers develop conceptual and empirical tools to grasp them. This guest lecture series is organised in partnership with the JSSJ Justice Spatiale / Spatial Justice Journal. 

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